Cutting services
UltraCut was launched in 1996 at Strömberg Park in Vaasa. Since 2006, our premises have been located at Vaasa Airport Park, at the heart of the largest energy cluster in the Nordic countries.
As a subcontractor for Vaasa-based top energy companies, we have developed a high quality and flexible service portfolio.
UltraCut is part of SOP-Metal group, which enables us to offer our customers a very comprehensive set of services. As a result, our customers may approach us with a mere cutting service request, but ultimately, the cooperation expands to the provision of a surprisingly advanced, processed component.
We serve our customers on a very wide scale, from design to assembly. We provide the following outsourcing services:
Our customers have often chosen us as the best supplier of the year. We have come to this situation by working openly and honestly, and by developing interaction with our customers.
In our cooperation, everything starts with professional design. With good design, we can help our customers, for example, in the choice of production methods and efficient use of materials.
In bidding, we have standardized parameters, according to which the price is formed. Thus, our customers know what the work is going to cost.
Open activities have led to long partnerships with our customers. We know our customers and they know us, which facilitates smooth, error-free and effective cooperation.
Examples of the entities we manufacture include:
One of the biggest challenges in our history has been the exterior lining project for the Scandic Hotel Simonkenttä, located in downtown Helsinki. We cut hundreds of aluminium sheets for the project, which still highlight one of the most prominent buildings in our capital.
The timber trucks manufactured by Alucar Oy also have many different products that we supply to them. In addition to the cut itself, Alucar products include various levels of downstream processing services, such as threading, bending and surface treatment.
In addition, SOP-Metal is one of our largest customers. The products we cut through our parent company are widely used in the electricity and energy industries.